An event, in the context of the Twisted reactor system, has three phases, or states. These states are "before", "during", and "after". What this provides for developers is a means to conceptually organize triggers that are executed when a specific event is fired. The "before" state should execute triggers that are supposed to verify certain data, or perform setup tasks. Anything that would be considered a pre-condition is executed here. The "during" state is overall goal of the event. Triggers that are executed in this state should do the heavy processing. Conceptually, this is the main reason a trigger was registered to execute with the specified event type in the first place. Finally, the "after" state executes triggers that should perform post-condition testing, or clean-up type tasks.
Illustrated below are the various states that a Twisted system event will go through during its' lifetime. The transitions between states are quite straightforward. When there are no more triggers to execute for the current state, the next state is entered.

Event triggers are registered with specific event types by invoking the ReactorBase.addSystemEventTrigger() method. This method accepts an event state, callable, and event type parameters. The callable can be any callable Python object.
The type of event in which triggers can be registered to can be anything. The event type is only the key for a stored event instance. The _ThreePhaseEvent class is instantiated if not already part on the reactor. That is, if a trigger has already been registered for the same event type, that means an event instance has been created. The _ThreePhaseEvent instance for each event type is responsible for executing all event triggers in the correct order. Using the Twisted system event functionality means that dependencies between event states may be used to achieve desired functionality.
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