This is what the end result looks like.
And here is the modified accordion code.
(function( $, undefined ) {
// Modify the accordion, making the disabled option
// accept section indexes.
$.widget( "ab.accordion", $.ui.accordion, {
_create: function() {
// Kick-start setting the disabled option,
// using our custom code below. jQuery widgets
// don't call _setOption() when first created.
// Sets the disabled object, but only if the option key
// is "disabled" and the option value is a number.
_setOption: function( key, value ) {
var isDisabled = ( key === "disabled" ),
isNumber = ( typeof value === "number" ),
// Check if we're disabling a specific accordion
// section by index.
if ( isDisabled && isNumber ) {
// Get the accordion header and panel, and
// disable them. The base jQuery UI widget
// knows not to handle events on elements that
// have the ui-state-disabled class applied.
// Adding the class to the panel header and
// content elements is enough to completely
// disable the section.
$panel = this._findActive( value );
$panel.addClass( "ui-state-disabled" )
.filter( ".ui-accordion-content-active" )
.addClass( "ui-state-disabled" );
else {
this._super( key, value );
})( jQuery );
$(function() {
// Disable the first section, activate the second.
$( "#accordion" ).accordion({
disabled: 0,
active: 1
What if you want to disable more than one section?
ReplyDeleteGood question. For each section you want disabled, calling .accordion( "option", "disabled", section_index ) seems to work well enough.
DeleteHow can you enable the section again?
ReplyDeleteGood question. I would just destroy the widget and re-create it with the desired configuration.
DeleteOk, but that solution does't works for my. So I modified your code a little bit:
Delete_setOption: function(key, value) {
var isDisabled = (key === "disabled"),
isNumber = (typeof value === "number"),
var isEnabled = (key === "enabled");
// Check if we're disabling a specific accordion
// section by index.
if (isDisabled && isNumber) {
// Get the accordion header and panel, and
// disable them. The base jQuery UI widget
// knows not to handle events on elements that
// have the ui-state-disabled class applied.
// Adding the class to the panel header and
// content elements is enough to completely
// disable the section.
$panel = this._findActive(value);
else if (isEnabled && isNumber) {
$panel = this._findActive(value);
else {
this._super(key, value);