In this day and age, our web experience wouldn't be nearly as interactive without the objects embedded inside most pages. What is the purpose of embedding objects inside a web page? Shouldn't HTML take care of this for us? It should, especially now that HTML5 is ever more mainstream with each passing day. Flash, on the other hand, is the standard for video, or anything fancy user interactions - transitions and such. Are embeddable objects for the web, good or bad? They're so pervasive that we can't simply ignore them, even if we don't like them. From a design perspective, embedded objects seem like a good way to reduce coupling by offloading some resources such as video. Its easy to use resources from other services, like YouTube. With social networks abound, embedding objects is an important concept for building web pages in a social context. How can our stuff on the server benefit from the embed tactic?
Let's take a closer look at why we embed things in our web pages – videos, menus, widgets and the like. Videos are obvious – websites want to show videos and we can't do this with HTML alone. HTML5 has the video element, but even then, I think we're still embedding conceptually because the video data isn't markup language. Likewise, an iframe might be considered an embedded object – even though its data is HTML, we still need to fetch it from an external resource, one outside of the page. Social networking widgets, too, are loaded from outside the page. I consider stuff that isn't directly contained in the page an embedded object. This works for me logically, because I can classify everything else as external, even though it may reside on my own server. Everything else, the paragraphs, headings, and so on, are a tightly-integrated unit that depends on external data.
What does embedding objects in HTML pages have to do with low-coupling? Well, if we can think of our web pages as a skeleton structure with slots for objects, we can reuse a lot of our HTML, consequently, CSS too. These object placeholders can put whatever we need in them – flash, HTML, our own widgets. That's really all we really need to worry about with this design, fill the hole with a web object. This is different from traditional programming languages where we're filling in the blanks using objects and polymorphism. Here, you've got to make sure that each object has the interface the slot is expecting. Not so much with HTML. You can embed whatever you want, the worst outcome being a shoddy looking site. So can we take these ideas, these embeddable objects and apply them to our web applications that live on the server?
As an idea, of course we can. In fact we already do this, we just use different terminology. On the server, we've got components. This is how the functional aspects of our application interchange. Replaceable authentication components, graphics libraries, you name it. There is something that can step in to do the job of a misbehaving or under-performing server object fairly trivially. I say fairly trivially because it isn't always so easy. The server-side is very different from the browser, worlds apart.
Lets say we're designing a simple brochure site. It doesn't rely on the server in any way other than to deliver web pages. So the big requirement is that it displays some information, maybe has a mouse-over effect here and there. A project like this only requires HTML, CSS, and Javascript. We need a web server, but don't have to do anything with it aside from starting it – we don't have to program it. Our little web site, in the browser, has three things, three languages, to worry about. This can be handled easily by one person on a small scale. Even when it comes to replacing the embedded objects, there is no learning curve because there is nothing to objects in HTML. Usually just a URL. Or maybe some cut-and-paste object code with a parameter. Easily manageable.
The server part of an application is a different story because there is just so much involved with serving HTTP requests. We have to make sure the user is authenticated, make find the appropriate request handler, process the request in a timely manor, and perform database queries. All of this while making sure we're fault-tolerant because unlike the browser, an HTTP request has the potential to break the entire application for every other user. This is why we have web application frameworks, to handle the common stuff with serving dynamic content. So how do we embed objects, objects that extend the capabilities of our application, into the framework?
Django immediately comes to mind for me, when thinking about embedding on the server. Partly because I really enjoy using it and partly because it has the best example I can think of. I'm sure there are plenty others too. In Django, we've got middleware and applications, both ready to embed in our projects. Middleware is how we inject logic into each HTTP request served. Sorry, embed logic. Middleware inspects the request before it is handled and after the response has been generated by the handler. This relates to HTML embedding in that we're able to take third-party objects and use them for our purposes, just as we would copy and paste a YouTube video.
Embedding things into larger applications, be it an HTML user interface, or something on the server, is a powerful concept. Embedded objects are simply part of the larger component architecture, where stuff can be swapped out. I think the embed concept for severs has a close parallel with the kind of embedding we do in the browser. Its a powerful idea, it helps with designing loosely-coupled systems for the web. It helps with delegating the responsibilities of a feature to the appropriate party. And that's it, really. Its just a mode of thought when putting together an application.