All modern GUI applications have menus in one form or another. These menus offer the end user an easy way to navigate throughout the application while consuming minimal real estate. This is achieved because menus in applications are often hierarchical, which means that only the top level of the hierarchy needs to be displayed when the menu is not being navigated. Not only do menus help make efficient use of the application GUI space, but they also help with the logical organization of the actions the user may perform within the application. As the user navigates to lower levels in the hierarchy, the more specific the available actions become. Horizontal, desktop-like menus are becoming more frequent in web browser GUI applications. This further complicates the task of designing a portable menu data structure.
The hierarchical menu data structure is by far the most commonly encountered menu structure. The data structure for GUI menus changes drastically when the structure is built dynamically verses a static menu structure. For statically built menus, which are represented by HTML, there is no concern about changing menu items. Although this approach is a poor design, the developer simply edits the HTML menu structure to add in the new menu items as needed. With static menus such as these, the structure is entirely dictated by the surrounding page and CSS styles. Another reason for avoiding static menu data structures. Consider the requirement of dynamically building a menu data structure that is functional for both hierarchical and non-hierarchical menu styles. If the data structure used for this is dynamically constructed, it can be reused. If we want to use this dynamic menu-building code to construct a single-level GUI menu, we simply use the code to build hierarchy data structure with multiple roots an no children. However, this calls for flexible presentation code which transforms the data structure into the GUI. This is another challenging problem in its' own right.
Here is an example data structure that could potentially be used to build a GUI menu.
Here, we have two root elements in the hierarchy. Here is another example of representing the same menu data structure.
Here, children are explicitly specified for each node in the hierarchy. Both approaches are valid ones, one preferred by one developer over the other. However, the boss of what this data structure should look like, ultimately, is the code that uses it to build the GUI menu.
The chief idea behind using data structures such as these, and building them dynamically, is to achieve better portability and reuse with GUI code. However, much GUI code, especially in web applications, change the menu data structure simply to change the style of the GUI. This is invalid since the menu items do not change. It would be much nicer, for developers hailing from all walks of life, if a consistent GUI menu data structure could be used and reused. This is especially important for cross-browser compatibility in web applications. The good news is that many modern javascript toolkits support the notion of widgets. The widgets within these widget sets comply with one another to offer a consistent style framework. This gives developers an opportunity to use a consistent menu data structure. Widgets aren't always needed for this purpose. If developers write their own code to build the intermediary HTML representation of the menu data structure, that works too. Just be consistent about it.