Showing posts with label ticketmodel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ticketmodel. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Trac Ticket Database Model

In Trac trunk, we can get a glimpse into the schematics behind the Trac ticket. The internals of the Trac ticket database model are interesting to see because the ticket is such a central concept in the Trac system. Below is an illustration of the Ticket database model class.

Here are some brief highlights of what each method does.
  • __init__() - Performs initialization actions. If the ticket id was passed, the values of the ticket in the database will be populated in this instance. Otherwise, the default values will be used.
  • id_is_valid() - Return true if the specified ticket id is valid.
  • _get_db() - Return the database connection.
  • _get_db_for_write() - Return the database connection for writing.
  • _init_defaults() - Initialize the default field values. In addition to initializing the default field values, the default options that are available for a given ticket field are also initialized.
  • _fetch_ticket() - Initialize this ticket instance using specific ticket field values. This is done by first executing a query to load the stored ticket data from the database.
  • __getitem__() - Support the getitem operator to retrieve ticket field values.
  • __setitem__() - Support the setitem operator store ticket field values.
  • get_value_or_default() - Return the value of the field or the default value. The default value is only returned if there is a problem retrieving the actual value because it does not yet exist.
  • populate() - Populate the ticket fields using the specified dictionary. Only valid keys in the supplied dictionary, that exist as ticket fields, will be populated.
  • insert() - Insert this ticket into the database. This method will not insert the ticket if the ticket id already exists in the database.
  • save_changes() - Update the database with any changes made to this ticket. This includes updating the ticket changelog.
  • get_changelog() - Retrieve the changelog data for this ticket.
  • delete() - Delete this ticket from the database.