Showing posts with label tool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tool. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Open Source UML

There are a variety of open source modeling tools in existence today. Some of these tools are more popular than others for various reasons. One reason for the variation in popularity is the support of the UML specification or lack thereof. Another reason is the overall user experience while building models with these tools. Proprietary UML tools are much more advanced than their open source counterparts in several dimensions. This is why they are the preferred choice by most developers who use the language. They are usually the right tool for the job. If an open source UML modeling tool does not implement part of the UML specification that is important to the developer, this is a show-stopper. Software developers want to use the right tool for the job. Anything that involves less modification and less duplication is always a bonus. However, open source UML modeling tools do exist and are in wide use today so there must be a reason for this. There are some advantages and disadvantages to choosing an open source modeling tool. Two questions to ask before choosing a UML modeling tool are as follows. If a tool doesn't support some part of the UML specification, how will that affect me? How many non-modeling features does the tool have that I will probably never use? I'd now like to explore these questions a little further.

One question to ask yourself that should probably precede the two above is what am I using the UML for? This will obviously influence your choice of modeling tool because different features serve different needs. I'm not going to dig too deeply into what the various uses of the UML are and why they matter. Instead, I'd only like to consider two broad categories; UML as a sketch and UML as a specification. The former category is the more widely used of the two as it requires less of an investment. The latter has much more of an impact on the success of the project because the model has to be formally correct. Otherwise, the cascading modeling errors have a major disruption. What you want to use the UML for is irrelevant here. What is important is the style of modeling you want to use; sketch or specification.

Lets take a look at the UML specification itself. Some of it is essential for tool vendors to implement such as classes and relationships. Others aren't as important such as profiles and timing diagrams. This level of importance is relative to any given project domain. For instance, if we were modeling the specification of a real-time system, these sections of the UML specification are suddenly much more important than if we were simply sketching ideas using UML notation.

Proprietary modeling tools have better support for the UML specification itself. In the rare case that you require a modeling tool to support the full UML language specification, the choice is easy. You need to invest in a proprietary tool. This is the exception rather than the rule. The majority of UML users do not need support of the full specification. Open source UML tools have good support for essential modeling elements such as classes, packages, relationships, use cases, interactions, and state machines. Some are better than others for modeling certain elements and they are all different from one another in terms of user experience.

What if you want to build UML models as a software system specification? Can you still do this if you only require a subset of the UML specification be implemented? Indeed, you can. If you like a given tool, whatever the reason may be, you can't select it for use and hope that it will support the full specification in the future because that may never happen. Open source modeling tools are perfectly acceptable for using UML as a specification. Lets do a quick run-through of which UML elements can be used as a specification with open source modeling tools. Classes, packages and relationships? Check. These elements are ranked the highest because it would be next to impossible to model an object-oriented system without them. Actions, activities, control-flow, and data-flow? Check. We need these elements of the language when it comes time to build smaller, atomic computations of the system. Use cases. Check. These are a must for visualizing simple requirements. This only touches on the very fundamental elements of the language. Support for the UML specification in open source software goes much beyond our purposes here.

Open source tools have these areas pretty well covered without much deviation from the UML specification itself. Open source UML tool support in other areas of the UML specification, like interactions and state machines, are still lacking or are inconsistent. Again, how important are these areas of the language to you? Even with incomplete or missing implementations, using UML as a sketch is possible with open source UML modeling tools. As an example, consider nesting modeling elements. With some open source tools, dragging one element into another to show a parent-child relationship has no effect in the semantic model. That is, internally, from the tool's perspective the two elements are at the same level. From the end user's perspective, these elements are at the same level so the sketch still serves it's purpose.

Up to this point, we've only touched upon modeling elements that exist within the UML specification and the tools that implement them. This is, after all, the primary goal of a UML modeling tool. There are, however, some features that fall outside the scope of the specification itself. The value of these additional features are something to consider when choosing a modeling tool. Many of these features are probably not needed.

Code generation is a must have for any enterprise-grade UML modeling tool. Is this actually a must have? Or is it a feature just for the sake of having a feature? Generating code is also supported by open source UML tools. The claimed benefit of generating code from a model is that the skeleton of the classes and their relationships can be built automatically. This saves us some tedious typing but it also introduces a level of coupling between the model and the code that may not be desired. This is because at the code level, there are going to be small hand-made changes that aren't reflected by the model. If you are building models as sketches, this is definitely not a feature you'd be willing to pay for.

XMI support enables the exchange of modeling meta-data. In theory this is a must-have feature for any modeling tool, open source or proprietary. It is a must-have because it is the standard format used to store and transfer semantic model data. If you are sketching UML diagrams, the underlying semantic model isn't as valuable to you. Therefore, the need for XMI importing and exporting isn't that great. Organizations tend to standardize on a modeling tool once one has been chosen. Even if you are modeling rigid, software system specifications, your need for XMI support may not be that great. In the spectrum of open source UML tools, support for XMI isn't quite there. Different tools support the interchange standard at different levels. It is comparable to the support for various web standards among various browser vendors. The little differences create more problems than the standard solves.

The overall user experience is a criterion that is sometimes overlooked in regard to UML software. Aside from what features are supported, what is needed, and what we can do without, usability has an impact on the quality of the models we produce. Usability isn't necessarily isolated from the feature set of the software. If any given UML modeling tool has too many features that are edging away from the UML specification, we're distracted. I would go so far as to say that this makes the software intimidating when it doesn't have to be. The number of steps required to construct a basic diagram should be small. If that number is too high, think about using something simpler. Building models is no different than writing code in that it is never going to be right the first time around. Modeling is an inherently iterative process. If your chosen modeling software can lead to building models in a more timely manor due to a clean, simple user interface, give that software high marks.

As you can see there are more attributes of a good UML modeling tool to consider than the number of features it has. Deciding on what you are using the UML for, sketching or specifying, changes the evaluation criteria when choosing software. Open source UML modeling tools are a good alternative to purchasing a proprietary tool in some cases, even though these tools still haven't reached maturity yet. When open source UML software doesn't fit your needs, consider how many unnecessary features you will be paying for when choosing your tool of choice.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

jQueryUI Dev Tool

The jQueryUI library is a themable user interface library. As such, all themes are CSS based and can be interchanged within the same application. The jQueryUI dev tool is a simple bookmark you can use to develop your own themes or to see how your application will look with an already existing theme. There are plenty to choose from. What makes this to interesting is that this tool works well even for production systems.