The jQuery UI tooltip widget is a good way to describe what's required in a specific form input
element. A good way to instruct the user, so that they're less likely to receive validation errors when they submit the form. Even with this help, the user will likely get something wrong, or just forget to supply information altogether. In this case, you can use the same tooltip widget to provide a subtle visual cue that there's something wrong with their input.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Using Tooltips With Form Validation
Friday, February 21, 2014
Theming Tooltip Box Shadows
The jQuery UI tooltip widget is themable, just like every other widget. Except, to a certain extent, it isn't. The tooltip uses the box-shadow
CSS property to apply a decent-looking shadow around the element when it's displayed. It looks good with the smoothness theme, but with others, it's a little awkward.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Using jQuery UI Tooltips With Autocomplete
The jQuery UI autocomplete widget can transform the way each individual item is rendered. By default, it only renders the data label. But that's easy to change by extending the autocomplete widget, and overriding the _renderItem()
method. For example, if each object in the autocomplete source has some specific field you would like rendered in the autocomplete drop-down, that's not difficult to implement. The challenge lies with finding enough space on the page to render this additional information. The auto complete already utilizes the menu widget to render the drop-down component — so why not utilize the tooltip widget as well?